Small Grants Call for Proposals
For Implementing LGBT-Focused Public Awareness Initiatives
About the Call for Proposals
The Equality For All Foundation (EFAF), with financial support from the European Union (EU), is accepting proposals for the funding of small projects. The grants that will be awarded under this Call are part of a larger project being undertaken by the organisation, focusing on the economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights of LGBT Jamaicans.
Objectives & Priorities
The objective of the financial support is to raise awareness among the general public about homophobia and transphobia and the impact they have on LGBT people’s enjoyment of their economic, social and cultural rights. More specifically, the financial support is being given to:
a) Sensitize two-hundred and fifty (250) members of the general public about the importance of economic, social and cultural rights and the lived experiences of LGBT Jamaicans;
b) Increase support for legal and policy changes as well as increasing the likelihood that service provision spaces will be more LGBT-friendly.
It is expected that at the end of these initiatives, there is greater awareness among the general public of the challenges faced by LGBT Jamaicans and how these challenges limit the enjoyment of their economic, social and cultural rights.
This Call is being publicly advertised via traditional and social media for a period of eight (8) weeks from March 29th to May 24th, 2021. An online information session will be held on April 21st at 1 PM and will provide an opportunity for interested applicants to make queries and seek clarity.
Eligibility Criteria
The call will be open to the following entities and organizations:
- LGBT organizations.
- Human rights organizations.
- Community-based organizations, including youth-led groups and organizations.
- Church-based groups with a focus or interest in human rights.
Priority will be given to proposals submitted by LGBT organizations to promote greater leadership and capacity building.
Selection Criteria
In order to be considered for sub-grants, applicants must:
- Provide evidence of their work or interest in human rights.
- Provide evidence of a similar project implemented by the organization, and the results of the intervention.
- Have a track record of successfully implementing human rights-focused or similar initiatives.
- Outline a clear plan to successfully implement the proposed activities and achieve the stated impact; highlighting the key partners and other stakeholders who will be engaged.
- Possess sound financial management and record keeping.
- Possess a basic accountability, reporting and monitoring and evaluation framework.
- Submit a detailed budget.
Procedure for the Submission of Proposals
Prospective applicants must complete and submit the following documents by the stipulated deadline:
- Programmatic template that includes a detailed concept note, an activity plan and a proposed budget (provided).
- Due Diligence/Partner Information Form (provided).
- Financial statement.
- Proof of M&E framework.
Proposals must be submitted by 11:59 PM on Monday, June 7th, 2021 to, with subject Small Grant Application: Economic, Social & Cultural Rights Project.
Entities seeking to apply for financial support are expected to apply for a minimum of €5,000 and a maximum of €25,000 to undertake activities to raise awareness about economic, social and cultural rights, within a one-year period.
The amount of financial support provided to third parties under this call will be determined by:
- Whether the objectives of the proposal submitted are sound, realistic and attainable.
The nature, scope, reach and projected impact of the proposal submitted. - The number of activities to be undertaken within the proposal.
- The use of innovative and creative approaches and methodologies.
- Whether value for money and effective use of resources are demonstrated within the proposal submitted.
It is important to note the following:
- Funding received under this project cannot be used to support an ongoing project.
- All activities and services must be rendered during the implementation. I.e. the funding cannot be used to cover debt from previous activities/projects.
- Cost-sharing with other donors is not allowed. All expenses under the project must be costed under this grant.